Mr Amarjit Anand
Orthopaedics and trauma
Mr Amarjit Anand is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. Amarjit graduated from The Royal Free and University College London Medical School in 2005. He trained in the Oxford and Cambridge rotation as a junior doctor. He completed his Trauma and Orthopaedic SpR training on the London NW Thames Rotation.
During his training, Amarjit was an Anatomy Demonstrator/Lecturer at Oxford University. He was elected onto the British Orthopaedic Trainee Association (BOTA), Specialist Training Committee (STC) and British Association of Spinal Surgeons (BASS) Executive Committee. He was awarded the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) Presidents Gold Medal Podium Prize in 2012. Amarjit is well published and has over 50 international conference presentations. He is currently a journal reviewer for the Bone and Joint Journal (BJJ), Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London and an examiner on various FRCS(Tr&Orth) revision courses.
Amarjit has received specialist training in spinal surgery at St Marys Hospital Major Trauma Centre, Charing Cross Hospital and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) in Stanmore during his SpR Training. He obtained his CCT in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery in 2015. He has completed two Post-CCT Spinal Fellowships at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading and a one-year Complex combined Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Spinal Fellowship in the Queen's Medical Centre (QMC), Nottingham. Amarjit has travelled to various Centres of Excellence in Spain, Germany and France to develop specialist skills. Amarjit has received training in modern spinal techniques, including navigation and is an advocate for innovation, advances in spinal surgery technology, motion-preserving surgery, bespoke patient-specific implants and minimally invasive surgery.
BSc(Hons) in Orthopaedic Science. RNOH, Stanmore.
Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Medical societies and organisations
General Medical Council (GMC)
Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS Eng) (Fellow)
British Medical Association (BMA)
British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS) (Executive Committee Member)
AO Spine
Secretary contact details
Andre Goncalves
Email - surreyspine@gmail.com
Telephone - 0203 488 2781
Dr Stella Appiahcubi
She graduated from the University of Science & Technology School of Medical Sciences in Ghana and has since trained extensively in General Medicine in the UK. She had her specialist haematology training on the South Thames London Haematology rotation and worked in centres of excellence including Royal Marsden and Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to taking up her current NHS post, she was a consultant haematologist for 3 years at Croydon University Hospital.
Since completion of her training, Dr Appiah-Cubi has developed an interest in disorders of bleeding and clotting and she is the head of the anticoagulation services and the lead haematologist for thrombosis and Haemostasis for Epsom and St Helier Hospitals (with clinical and management responsibilities on both sites). She is also the clinical lead for VTE. She has been particularly delighted by the feedback she has received from patients she has seen on both the NHS and privately
PP Secretary details:
Anne Hunt, Tel: 01483 442644, anne-hunt@btconnect.com

Dr Richard Bogle
Dr. Bogle specializes in the assessment and treatment of patients with all types of heart and vascular disease. He sees patients over 16 years of age with cardiac symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness and high blood pressure.
Dr. Bogle is an accredited specialist in Cardiology, General Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and the American College of Cardiology. He has sub-specialist training in Interventional Cardiology including angioplasty, stenting, intracoronary imaging and performs a high volume of complex procedures in the Catheterisation Laboratories at St George’s Hospital. Dr. Bogle undertook an 11-year period of post-graduate specialist training and has over 20 years’ experience as a qualified doctor. He is the Clinical Lead for Cardiology at Epsom and St Helier Hospital and lead for invasive cardiac training in South London.
Dr Bogle is a member/fellow of the following societies and organisations:
- British Hypertension Society
- British Cardiovascular Society
- British Cardiovascular Intervention Society
- British Pharmacological Society
- Liveryman - Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
- Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP)
- Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC

Mr Clive Charig
Mr Charig is a Consultant Urological Surgeon based at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. He graduated from the Middlesex Hospital Medical School and has been involved in all aspects of urology for the past thirty years and has been a consultant in Epsom for nearly 25 years.
During this time he has developed sub specialist interests in urinary stone diseases, male potency and fertility problems (including vasectomy) and general paediatric urology. Mr Charig maintains a keen interest in adult diagnostic urology and has one of the country’s longest associations with ultrasound in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
He is extremely interested in education and training and through his involvement with the royal colleges and deaneries has been responsible for postgraduate urological training throughout the United Kingdom. He is involved in clinical research and in management approaches to effect clinical change in both people and institutions
MA (Oxon), MBBS, FRCSEd, FRCS (Urol)
Medical societies and organisations
Raven Tutor in Urology
Royal College of Surgeons of England Specialty Advisor in Urology for South West Thames Region
MBBS Finals Examiner St. George’s Hospital Medical School.
Secretary contact details
Elaine Noble
Tel: 01372-275161
Email: Elaine@surreymedicalgroup.co.uk

Mr Andrew Cobb
Orthopaedics and trauma
Mr Andrew Cobb is a Surrey-based Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. He is on the Specialist Register with the General Medical Council (no. 2404651).
Mr Cobb qualified at the Middlesex Hospital, London in 1977 and trained as a Senior House Officer on a rotation in Bristol, as Registrar in Oxford and Senior Registrar on the St Bartholomew's Hospital rotation through Norwich, Great Ormond Street and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore. He was Clinical Fellow in joint replacement surgery at the Harvard University Medical School, Boston in 1987, and ABC Travelling Fellow in 1992.
He was a Consultant at The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, and Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedics in the Institute of Orthopaedics, University College, London from 1988 to 1994. He has been Education Secretary and member of the Council of the British Orthopaedic Association, Intercollegiate FRCS Orth. Examiner 1999-2004, Director of Professional Affairs for south east coast region, and Deputy Medical Director at Epsom and St Helier.
He is the author of many papers on hip and knee surgery and international lecturer on hip resurfacing. He is currently Clinical Director of Service Transformation at Epsom and St Helier, and reviewer for The Journal of Arthoplasty, the Knee and the Journal of Engineering in Medicine.
Medical societies and organisations
- British Hip Society
- British Association for Surgeons of the Knee
- Girdlestone Society
- Seddon Society
- Pott Club
- ABC Club
- British Orthopaedic Association
- Royal College of Surgeons of England
Secretary contact details
01372 840837

Dr Yousef Daryani
Dr Daryani graduated from St George's Hospital, London, having completed his MSc & PhD in Genetics. His medical training rotation was at St George's hospital and Bart's and the London. He trained in cardiology at London Chest, St Thomas', and St George's hospitals. He was a senior registrar and fellow in cardiac imaging at St George's Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital, London. He previously worked as a consultant cardiologist at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and was also an honorary consultant at Harefield Hospital.
As well as seeing patients with various cardiovascular conditions he routinely performs coronary angiogram (both radial and femoral) including right and left heart study, pacemakers, trans-thoracic echocardiogram, stress (Dobutamine and bike) echo, trans-oesophageal echo, DCCV (direct current cardioversion), and cardiac MRI.
Medical societies and organisations
Member of British Society of Echocardiography (BSE)
Member of British Cardiovascular Society (BCS)
Member of Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
Member of British Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR)
Member of European Association of cardiovascular imaging (EACVI)
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians, (FRCP Edin)
Secretary contact details
Tel: 01372 735735

Professor Stergios Doumouchtsis
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Professor Stergios K. Doumouchtsis MSc MPH PhD MRCOG is a Consultant Obstetrician – Gynaecologist and RCOG-accredited Urogynaecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Athens, Medical School.
Having completed his training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the UK, he undertook sub-specialty training in Urogynaecology. Following completion of his training, he was awarded an Ethicon Travel Award by the RCOG and worked as a visiting Scholar in the University of Michigan, where he participated in research projects with the Pelvic Floor Research Group.
Professor Doumouchtsis is a member of several national and international scientific and professional committees, working groups and professional societies. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and more than 20 book chapters and has contributed as an invited speaker and chairman in national and international conferences. He is a Scientific Editor for BJOG
Professor Richard Field
Orthopaedics and trauma
Professor Field qualified from the Westminster Hospital in 1980. After junior hospital posts in London, he completed a PhD in Cambridge; where he became a Junior Fellow of Magdalene College. His specialist orthopaedic training was undertaken in London, Cambridge and Melbourne.
In 1994, Prof Field was appointed as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, with a special interest in hips, at St Helier Hospital, Carshalton. In his early years at St Helier, he introduced hip arthroscopy, hip preserving surgical procedures and many innovations in hip replacement surgery. He also established a research department and outcome programme. Since 2004, this research team has worked at both St Helier and the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC) to develop a world renowned research programme with many national and international collaborations. In 2013 he was awarded a personal Chair at St George’s, University of London in recognition of his work at St Helier and SWLEOC.
Prof Field lectures widely and is a regular invited faculty member at many national and international orthopaedic meetings and is a member of the Council of the British Hip Society and the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy. He continues to supervise MD (Res) and PhD students and has regular UK and overseas visiting fellows in his team.
Besides being a pioneer of hip arthroscopy in the UK, Prof Field is one of the UK’s most experienced hip resurfacing surgeons and continues to undertake this procedure on active young men. Since 2008, Prof Field has regularly used the muscle sparing, direct anterior approach for his routine hip replacement surgery and is a regular faculty member on national and international training courses for surgeons learning this technique. In 2011, Prof Field undertook the world’s first GMK Sphere knee replacement and has been one of the key surgeons in the development of this new generation of knee replacement. Prof Field remains keen to involve as many of his patients, as possible, in long term outcome studies to properly monitor their progress and better understand the results of surgery.
LRCP MRCS [1980] Primary FRCS (Ed) [1983]
Final FRCS (Ed) [1988] PhD (Cantab) [1988]
FRCS (Ed)(Orth) [1994] FRCS (Eng) (Ad Eundum) [2000]
Medical societies and organisations
Member of the British Medical Association
Member of the British Hip Society
Member of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
Trustee of SWLEOC Orthopaedic Research Foundation
Member of the Sutton and District Medical Society
Secretary contact details
Amanda Brown
Research & Education Department
York House
Epsom Hospital
Tel:01372 735 425
Fax: 01372 735 422

Mr Stephen Gordon
Stephen Gordon is a consultant urologist who grew up locally and trained at St Bartholomew’s and Guys & St Thomas’ hospitals before returning to Epsom & St Helier hospitals.
He provides all general elective and emergency urological services and specifically undertakes all forms of treatment for kidney stones leading the stone service offering shockwave lithotripsy, laser and keyhole surgery.
He has extensive experience of laser prostate surgery.
He runs the male fertility service in conjunction with the assisted conception unit.
He introduced and provides the MRI-TRUS fusion prostate biopsy service improving the diagnostic accuracy for prostate cancer.
Medical societies and organisations
Bristish Association of Urological Surgeons
Royal Society of Medicine
Royal College of Surgeons
Endourological Society
Secretary contact details
Selina Galliers
01737 357258

Mr Ash Gupta
General surgery
Mr Ashish Gupta trained in general and colorectal surgery in south west London at various hospitals from 2007 to 2013. After completion of higher surgical training, he did a year’s fellowship at Basingstoke in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery and Peritoneal Malignancy. Since finishing his fellowship in 2014, he has been a consultant at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, where his main area of work is bowel cancer, especially laparoscopic surgery for bowel cancer.
He has a special interest in proctology, especially haemorrhoid operations using the HALO technique. He is also adept at using minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) per rectum for early cancers or large rectal polyps which are not amenable to be removed at colonoscopy. Mr Gupta is a JAG approved colonoscopist.
Prior to higher surgical training, Mr Gupta spent two years from 2005-2007 in research at University College London and was successfully awarded a Master’s degree (MD). His research involved making polymer scaffolds and subsequently growing cells onto scaffolds in an attempt towards tissue engineering of small intestine. His work has been presented and published in peer reviewed journals.
Medical societies and organisations
Fellow at Royal College of Surgeons and a Member of ACPGBI (Association of Colo-Proctology of Great Britain and Ireland).
Secretary contact details
Mrs Angela Eburne
Email: mr.ash.gupta@gmail.com
Phone: 07496 457522
Fax: 020 8043 2326
Mr Paul Hamilton
Orthopaedics and trauma
Mr Paul Hamilton FRCS (Tr & Orth) is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon specialising in all adult foot and ankle surgery and trauma surgery.
His specialist interests include all conditions relating to the adult foot and ankle including sports injuries, forefoot surgery including bunions, arthroscopy, reconstruction and arthroplasty.
Paul qualified from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospital Medical College and went on to complete his orthopaedic training in London. He has had extensive training in foot and ankle surgery and completed three UK based fellowships with world-renowned surgeons as well as a travelling fellowship to Boston, USA.
He has presented and published research in orthopaedics throughout the world and continues to perform research in the field of foot and ankle surgery.
He has a keen interest in teaching and he currently examines on the MSc in trauma and orthopaedics at Brighton University and teaches on several FRCS (Tr and Orth) courses. He has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in trauma and orthopaedics.
FRCS (Tr & Orth), PG Dip (Tr & Orth), BMedSci (Hons)
Medical societies and organisations
Paul is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeon and a member of the British Orthopaedic Association and the British Foot and Ankle Society
Secretary contact details
Philippa Bevan

Dr Chris Harland
Dr Chris Harland (MA, MB, FRCP) is a Consultant Dermatologist and Clinical Lead for Dermatology at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. He is also the skin cancer lead.
Dr Harland is recognised nationally as an expert in the field of laser treatment of skin diseases. His specialist areas include port wine stains, and laser ablation of rare, serious medical conditions such as lymphangiomas, Hailey-Hailey disease, tuberose sclerosis and epidermal naevi.
His other interests include skin cancer and surgery, and medical education (previously clinical sub dean for the trust, and for St George's University of London, for six years).
MA (first class honours), MBBS, FRCP
Medical societies and organisations
British Medical Laser Association, British Association of Dermatologists, Melanoma Focus Group
Secretary contact details
Serena Gunn
Telephone: 020 8543 9924

Mr Ravi Hehar
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Mr Hehar studied at Cambridge University, gaining a Masters degree in medical sciences. After completing his clinical studies at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, he undertook teaching of anatomy to medical students at the Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in London.
Subsequently, he undertook higher surgical training at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, and the Leicester and Derby Royal Infirmaries. He was trained by some of the leaders in the specialty including Professor O'Donoghue, Professor Birchall and Professor Jones.
He was awarded the prestigious TWJ Fellowship to the University of Toronto under the mentorship of Professor John Rutka and Professor Michael Hawke, leaders in the fields of ear disease and sinus disease respectively
Medical societies and organisations
- British Association of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
- Fellow of the American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
- Council member of the Young Consultant Otorhinolaryngologists, Head and Neck Surgeons
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
- Member of the British Medical Association
- Medical Defence Union
Secretary contact details
Michele Burton
Tel. 01372 275161
Email: michele@surreymedicalgroup.co.uk

Mr Haider Jan
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Mr. Haider Jan is a consultant gynaecologist with a special interest in minimally invasive surgery and gynaecological Ultrasound with Royal College accreditation in both fields. His NHS practice is based primarily at Epsom General Hospital where he is the Gynaecology Lead, and where he is responsible for the development of minimally invasive services.
He has received several national and international prizes for scientific presentations in both minimally invasive (Laparoscopic) gynaecology and gynaecological ultrasound. As of 2014 he has delivered more than 45 presentations at national and international conferences, more than 30 abstract publications and 13 papers in scientific peer-reviewed journals including randomised controlled trials and one book chapter.
He is an accredited teacher and instructor on many nationally and internationally recognised courses for training in gynaecological Surgery and Emergency Obstetrics for numerous faculties including the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), the advanced life support group (ALSG), and the Minimal Access Therapy Training Unit (MATTU).
He is also an instructor and examiner for the MSc in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy at University of Surrey. He similarly instructs on the University of Surrey ‘Caring for women with endometriosis’ module for clinical nurse specialists who are trained to support women on the specialised commissioning (complex gynaecology) pathway for severe endometriosis.
PP Secretary:
Helen Wood, Tel: 020 7965 7282 Email: pa@migynaecology.com

Dr Lydia Jones
Cancer services
Dr Lydia Jones qualified in 1980 and trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. She undertook her postgraduate training in Haematology at Hammersmith and Royal London hospitals. Her research experience includes bone marrow transplantation and clinical trials in leukaemia and lymphoma. She was appointed to Epsom Hospital, Surrey in 1990 where she developed a busy Haemato-Oncology service. She was the Lead Haematologist for the clinical and laboratory departments at Epsom and also a Clinical Director for Cancer Services for the trust.
Dr Jones is an examiner at the Royal College of Pathologists and current Chair of the weekly grand round in the postgraduate medical centre. She is also a pathology services representative at Ashtead Hospital MAC and chair of their hospital transfusion committee. She has many years of expertise in organising anticoagulant services.
Secretary contact details
Terri Stonham
Telephone: 01372 277348
Fax: 01372 277494
Mr Michael Katesmark
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Mike Katesmark has been employed as a gynaecological specialist consultant surgeon at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust since 1997.
He was appointed to run the screening services for cervical, vulval and endometrial cancer, and is a member of the British Society for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology.
In his role as Lead Gynaecology Cancer Clinician, he is responsible for patients treated for gynaecological cancer via the joint multidisciplinary team with the Royal Marsden Hospital in Fulham.
In 2014 he was appointed as the Lead Clinician for Gynaecology, which allowed him to expand his interest in menorrhagia and other benign gynaecological problems, particularly with regard to minimal access surgery and alternatives to hysterectomy. His specialist skills include laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. He is an accredited member of the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE) and also a lecturer with the national Minimal Access and Training Unit at Guildford University.
He has written the guidelines for menopausal hormone replacement therapy for the London Cancer Alliance and has a particular interest perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms and their treatment.
Medical societies and organisations
British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE)
European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE)
British Society for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS)
Epsom Medical Society
Secretary contact details
Mrs Debbie Newman: 01372 276 161 option 2
Email: debbie@surreymedicalgroup.co.uk

Dr Sreekumar Kunnumpurath
Pain management
Dr Kumar is a specialist in Pain Medicine, with a special interest in interventional-multimodal chronic pain management. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of The Royal College of Anaesthetists, London. In addition, he is Member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society.
After acquiring the primary medical qualification, he completed a master’s degree in Anaesthesiology. He got his full registration with the General Medical Council in 2003. He underwent further specialist training in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at Royal infirmary, Glasgow and St Georges School of Anaesthesia, London. During this time he received fellowships from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, London and the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland. He also had training in advanced spinal interventions techniques from ISIS, USA. In addition, he has extensive experience in pain medicine and anaesthesia by working in the UK and abroad. He is also an experienced obstetric and trauma anaesthetist.
At present he works as a Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. Prior to this he was a Consultant in Pain Management at Royal Free Hospital, London.
B.Sc, MBBS, MD, FRCA, FFPMRCA, FCARCSI, PG Cert. in Aesthetic Medicine (Queen Mary University of London)
Medical societies and organisations
Fellow, Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists
Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists
Fellow, College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Fellow, International Spine Interventions Society
Member, British Medical Acupuncture Society
Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine
Member, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Briton and Ireland
Member, British Medical Association
Member, Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association
Member, British Pain Society
Secretary contact details
Tel. 02082963902
Email: sreekumar.kunnumpurath@esth.nhs.uk

Mr Edward Lee
Edward Lee undertook his medical training at Oxford University (1993-1999) where he was awarded an academic scholarship. He then worked in New Zealand before specialising in ophthalmology.
His general ophthalmology training was centered around London hospitals. He then further specialised with research into molecular genetics and treatment of retinal conditions with gene therapies, for which he was awarded a PhD from University College London. He gained his subspecialty expertise with further surgical fellowships at St Thomas’ and Moorfields Eye hospitals.
Edward Lee’s practice is centered at Epsom and St Helier hospitals, where he leads retinal and eye casualty clinics as well as laser lists and regular operating sessions. He uses the latest small gauge equipment for cataract and retinal surgeries and the majority of such procedures are performed under local anaesthetic, and as daycase procedures, should the patient wish.
Edward has in excess of 35 peer-reviewed publications and continues to regularly talk at international meetings. His research interests are ongoing and he is currently supervising a major project related to improving patient outcomes following retinal detachment surgeries. Further details are available at www.eyedoctor.london (opens in a new window)
MA (Oxon) BM BCh PhD FRCOphth
Medical societies and organisations
British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons
European Society of Retinal Specialists
Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London
British Medical Association
Secretary contact details
Selina Galliers
Tel: 01372 642135
Fax: 020 8185 7416
Email: edwardleesecretary@gmail.com
www.edwardlee.london (opens in a new window)

Miss Jane Leitch
Miss Leitch qualified from Westminster Hospital Medical School and trained in ophthalmology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, North Yorkshire Senior Registrar Specialist Training rotation and Moorfields Eye Hospital, with Fellowships in Paediatric Ophthalmology at Sydney Eye Hospital, Australia, and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.
Miss Leitch has been the clinical lead of the ESTH Ophthalmology department during the relocation of the eye services and building of 2 new eye units. She sits on the paediatric committee at the RCOPhth. Miss Leitch has contributed to and continues to contribute to a number of local and national committees involved in healthcare delivery and service development via NHS England, Vision 2020 and local eye health network.
Miss Leitch is a member of the following societies:
- Royal Society of medicine
- British Isles Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association
- American Academy of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Secretary contact details
Sharon Holgate, tel: 020 7387 4072 email: eyeclinic.234@btconnect.com

Dr Guan Lim
Dr A Guan Lim qualified in 1987 from Bristol University and received his specialist postgraduate training in London at St George’s Hospital and The Royal London Hospital. His Master’s degree research was into primary biliary cirrhosis and he was awarded a Young Investigator Prize by the Mayo Clinic. He has published in various aspects of gastroenterology, including helicobacter pylori infection and inflammatory bowel disease. He specialises in general gastroenterology and hepatology and all aspects of endoscopy.
He was appointed as Consultant Gastroenterologist and Physician at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust in 1998. In 2008, he was appointed as Clinical Director for General and Emergency Medicine. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at St George’s Hospital Medical School. He works mainly at Epsom Hospital and St Helier Hospital. He also has NHS clinics at Leatherhead Hospital and Cobham Hospital.
Medical societies and organisations
British Society of Gastroenterology
American Gastroenterology Association
European Association of Liver Diseases
Secretary contact details
Clair Richardson
Telephone: 01372 275161
Fax: 01372 277492

Dr Nikesh Malik
Dr Nikesh Malik is a Consultant Cardiologist and Interventionalist at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and St George's Hospital in London, where he also completed his initial medical training. He specialises in all areas of general cardiology, with particular expertise in coronary intervention, including complex techniques and intravascular imaging.
He looks after cardiology inpatients and outpatients at Epsom Hospital and performs coronary angioplasty and stenting at St George's Hospital in London and St Anthony’s Hospital in Surrey.
He is involved in teaching medical students from St George's Hospital Medical School and from overseas and trains cardiology junior doctors and interventional fellows in all aspects of general cardiology and coronary intervention.
His research interests are in the prevention and treatment of coronary stent thrombosis and intravascular imaging and he has completed an MD thesis in this subject. He has co-ordinated and been a co-investigator for numerous national and international clinical trials and research studies and has published articles in high impact peer reviewed journals, as well as writing several book chapters.
Medical societies and organisations
Royal College of Physicians
British Cardiovascular Society
European Society of Cardiology
British Cardiovascular Intervention Society
Secretary contact details
Karen Guyett
07950 982732
Email: info@nikeshmalik.com

Mr Prince Modayil
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Mr Modayil is a Consultant ENT Surgeon with special interest in Paediatric ENT. His NHS practice is based at St George’s University Hospital and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.
He is also an Honorary senior lecturer at St George’s University of London.
Mr Modayil graduated in 1998 from India and became a fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2012. He underwent higher surgical training in ENT at various tertiary hospitals in London and Manchester. Mr Modayil has a Diploma in Child Health
(DCH) awarded by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in 2013.
He underwent fellowship training in Paediatric ENT at Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
He took the American equivalent of his medical examinations (ECFMG) and spent time with a leading expert in Paediatric ENT in USA (Dr Mike Rutter in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Ohio, USA).
Medical societies and organisations
British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology
European Society of Paediatric Otolaryngology
British Medical Association
Secretary contact details
Selina Galliers
Telephone: 0208 050 5368
Fax: 0208 050 6368
Website: www.princemodayil.com

Dr Ratnasingam Nithiyananthan
I have been a Consultant Physician in Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus at the Epsom & St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust since 2004. I have managed patients with medical conditions as well as endocrine and diabetic condition both as in patients and out patients.
Previously I was a Clinical Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham and Honorary Specialist Registrar and Honorary Consultant Physician at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS trust and Honorary Specialist Registrar at the Birmingham Heartlands NHS Trust. I was trained as a specialist in endocrinology as a Specialist Registrar by the West Midland Deanery.
While in specialist training I was awarded initially the Welcome Trust Fellowship and then NHS West Midland Fellowship to examine the genetics of thyroid disease that lead to my PhD thesis in Genetics of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease. I was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for this work in 2004.
I am now also the clinical lead for me medicine at the Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and play a key role in the management of the medical team. This involves management of medical staff from recruitment to staffing the wards and emergency medical team and ensuring excellent patient care for all.
I have a special interest in managing patients with thyroid and diabetic conditions and complex diabetic foot disease. I also provide in patient specialist care both in diabetes and endocrinology.
I am a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
Secretary contact details
Mrs Karthiyayiny Nithiyananthan - 020 8942 5227

Mr Demetri C Panayi
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Mr Panayi is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and accredited Subspecialist Urogynaecologist. He is the lead urogynaecologist at Epsom and St Helier Hospital, London after completing his subspecialist training at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust where he also completed his medical degree.
He practises urogynaecology and management of women’s pelvic floor disorders to a tertiary level including medical and surgical management of complex conditions. He is also responsible for setting up the perineal clinic service at St Helier Hospital which assesses and manages women who have sustained serious childbirth injuries.
Mr Panayi has conducted research into the investigation and management of female urinary incontinence, prolapse and chronic vaginal and bladder pain syndromes. He has a particular interest in ultrasound imaging of the lower urinary tract and urodynamics assessment and has published his research and written articles in international peer-reviewed journals and presented at international and national scientific meetings. He has been invited to author book chapters and has spoken at international and national conferences.
Mr Panayi is a member of the British Society of Urogynaecologists, United Kingdom Continence Society, International Continence Society, International Urogynaecological Association and International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Secretary contact details
Amy Foskett-Jones
Tel: 07990 781826
Fax: 020 8082 5560
Mr Peter Robb
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Peter Robb is a consultant ENT surgeon at Epsom and St Hleier hospitals and Past-President of the British Association for Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (BAPO). He was Chairman of Council and President of the Royal Society of Medicine, (RSM), Section of Laryngology and Rhinology and member of the RSM Academic Board.
He is also an honorary consultant ENT surgeon to the Children's Trust, Tadworth, and an honorary consultant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, where the Surrey ENT clinical network is based.
Mr Robb joined Epsom Hospital in 1991, and was subsequently clinical director of surgery. He is a past chairman of the senior medical staff committee at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. Mr Robb is current chairman of the Trust Paediatric Surgery Committee.
Following a first class honours degree in human psychology, Peter Robb completed his undergraduate training at the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. He undertook postgraduate surgical training at the Royal London Hospital, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge and Guy's Hospital, London.
At the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, Mr Robb was clinical research fellow. He completed a research project on afferent influences and the developing brainstem auditory pathway. Mr Robb was later clinical fellow in paediatric laryngology with Professor Bruce Benjamin at the Children's Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
Previously a principal investigator for the MRC/University of Oxford OME national genetics study at the Epsom site, he was also a member of the MRC Otitis Media Study Group. Peter Robb led the Epsom site in the National Multicentre Trial of Alternative Regimens for Glue Ear Treatment (TARGET), the only district general hospital site in this national study. Epsom was a pilot site for now completed National Prospective Tonsillectomy Audit, and was part of the National Anonymous Tonsil Audit investigating the epidemiology of variant CJD.
Peter Robb is an honorary senior lecturer at Middlesex University and is member of faculty who developed the postgraduate diploma in ENT for primary care practitioners, aimed at GPSi's in ENT.
In December 2011, Mr Robb completed an extended term as Chairman of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Otolaryngology, member of the Joint Committee for Intercollegiate Examinations, Specialist Advisory Committee in Otolaryngology and examiner for the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Otolaryngology Fellowship examination. He is a past member of the Court of Examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and is an external examiner for Middlesex University.
Mr Robb was a consultant clinical advisor in ENT to the NHS Modernisation Agency and national link for day-case paediatric ENT surgery. In 2007, he was seconded to the Department of Health White Paper working party, "Delivering Healthcare Closer to Home".
Until 2011, Mr Robb was chairman of one of the four Guidelines Review Panels at the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). He was a professional specialist clinical assessor in ENT for the NHS National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS) at the National Patient Safety Agency, and one of two national specialist advisors in paediatric otolaryngology to NCEPOD.
Currently a specialty advisor for the DH Atlas of Variation and author for NHS Clinical Information, he was also a member of the DH HRG Expert Working Group.
Mr Robb recently completed a term as one of two UK representatives on the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) for Otolaryngology (ENT), which reports to the European Union.
Publications, numbering over 80, and book chapters reflect the author's interest in paediatric otorhinolaryngology. Peter Robb has co-authored a textbook, ENT in Primary Care, and contributed to Scott-Brown's Otolaryngology, the prize-winning premier postgraduate ENT textbook.
Secretary contact details
Clair Richardson
Tel: 01372 275161
Fax: 01372 277494

Dr Samad Samadian
Care of the elderly
Consultant Physician, Honorary Senior Lecturer since 1990 at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
Previous posts
Lecturer 1987 - 1990, St Georges Hospital Medical School London
Registrar/Senior Registrar 1983 - 1987, Manchester Group of Hospitals
SHO Rotation, Newcastle Group of Hospitals
In private practice since 1990.
Medical societies and organisations
Ex National Council Member of the British Geriatric Society
Ex Chairman of Regional British Geriatric Society
Ex Regional Speciality Advisor
Examiner to Royal College of Physician
Secretary contact details
Mrs Sue Burgess
Email: susan.burgess@spirehealthcare.com
Tel: 020 8335 4636
Fax: 020 8335 4635

Mr Hassan Shehata
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Mr Hassan Shehata MD FRCOG FRCPI is a UK based Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and a subspecialist in Maternal Medicine. He is Clinical Director for Private Patients at Epsom and St Helier hospitals. He is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London.
Following training in obstetrics and gynaecology at several London university hospitals, he embarked in subpecialising in maternal medicine at St Thomas’s Hospital in London. He achieved membership and fellowship of both Royal Colleges of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Physicians of Ireland.
Medical societies and organisations
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Ambassador to the Gulf Region
- British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society member
- Physicians for Human Rights PHR (UK): Executive committee member. An international independent human rights organisation – elected at annual meeting 1996 – 2001
- Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH)
- Panel assessor – Diabetes London Region – 2004 to 2005
- South West Thames Diabetes Pregnancy Group, founder and chairman – 2003 to date
- McDonald (UK Maternal Medicine) Club, active member – London Region – 2001 to date
Secretary contact details
Telephone: 01372 232221 / 020 84019928
Fax: 01372 749655

Miss Andrea Sott
Orthopaedics and trauma
After graduating from medical school in Germany, Miss Sott subsequently completed 10 years of basic and higher Surgical Orthopaedic Training in London on the SW Thames Training Programme.
She is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the British Orthopaedic Association, the British and American Foot and Ankle Surgery Society with entry into the GMC’s specialist register as fully trained and specially qualified Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon in 2004.
She has published several papers in her field and outcomes of her foot and ankle (F&A) work has been presented at BOA (British Orthopaedic Association) and BOFAS (British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) well as European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) meetings.
In 2004, Miss Sott joined Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust as a Consultant Surgeon for Trauma, General Orthopaedics and Foot/Ankle Surgery. She is an active and enthusiastic trainer for juniors and allied professionals as well as a senior examiner for Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) Orthopaedics and a surgical tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons, London.
Her special interest in foot and ankle surgery and trauma was developed further through fellowships in Germany and the USA and clinical visits to France, Switzerland and around the UK to learn special surgical techniques.
Since 2011 Miss Sott has been actively training in Minimally Invasive Techniques to treat foot and ankle conditions with several publications on patient reported outcomes.
Miss Sott is happily married with three children.
In her spare time she enjoys running and playing the piano.
Medical societies and organisations
- Royal College of Surgeons
Secretary contact details
Diana Blane
Tel: 020 8335 4502
Email: Diana.Blane@spirehealthcare.com

Dr Simon Stern
Dr Stern underwent postgraduate Haematology training at Hammersmith, Charing Cross and Chelsea and Westminster hospitals. He was first appointed as a Consultant Haematologist in 1999.
He has a broad experience in all aspects of clinical and laboratory Haematology, but has a special interest in the haematological malignancies, particularly multiple myeloma. He has an active interest in clinical research and has been principal investigator for several clinical trials.
Dr Stern is currently both the Clinical Lead for Pathology and Head of Service for Chemotherapy at the Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. He was previously the Lead Clinician for the Joint Haematology Multidisciplinary Team covering the Epsom and St Helier, and Croydon University hospitals. He also serves on regional and national haemato-oncology guidelines groups.
In his private practice Dr Stern covers all aspects of clinical Haematology, but his private practice on the Northey Suite and within the trust is confined to the investigation and treatment of haematological malignancies.
Medical societies and organisations
Member of British Society for Haematology Haemato-oncology Task Force
Secretary of UK Myeloma Forum Guidelines Group
Member of European Haematology Association
Secretary contact details
020 8296 2216

Mr Paul Toomey
Mr. Paul Toomey is a Consultant in Colorectal and General Surgery at Clock House Healthcare and Epsom & St. Helier University Hospitals Trust in Surrey. He has special interests are colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and investigation of abdominal & GI Tract symptoms, rectal cancer management strategies and technical aspects of colo-rectal cancer surgery. He is a member of the Royal Marsden Hospital Multidisciplinary Team for Lower GI Tract Cancer, and is Clinical Director of Surgery at Epsom and St. Helier Hospital.
Paul is also a Member of the Court of Examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and Member of the Association of Coloproctology.